Promoting the Irish Hills in Michigan
Investing in the Irish Hills Michigan Community
Would you like to help us?

Donations to Irish Hills Community Legacy (IHCL) are tax-deductible. As a partner to the IHCL, you are part of a family of donors who are as diverse as their interests yet who share common bonds - a giving spirit and the desire to strengthen his/her community.

Online Donations

Donations can be taken online by clicking on the Donate Now button. This is a safe and secure way to give and it is easy and convenient. You will be directed to PayPal where you can use either your PayPal account or a major credit card. There is a short form to fill out during this process regardless of what type of payment you are using and then you will be able to choose your payment method.

If you would like your donation earmarked for a particular project, please enter that project in the comments.

Investing in the Irish Hills Michigan Community

By Mail

If you prefer to contribute by check, please make your check payable to Irish Hills Community Legacy and note either "general fund," "community center," or "trail project" on the memo line.

Donations can be mailed to:
Irish Hills Community Legacy
P.O. Box 805, Brooklyn, MI 49230.

Investing in the Future of the Irish Hills

Promoting the Irish Hills Area
(517) 592-8907
Email Us
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 805
Brooklyn MI 49230
Irish Hills Community Legacy
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